COVID-19 Response Plan
Service is 2nd only to Safety.
The COVID-19 pandemic has caused the world to shift its perspective with regards to health and safety precautions, and the landscape continues to change daily. We are committed to doing our part to provide a safe working environment for our employees and safe travel experiences for our clients.
Erin Air safety and operational procedures are guided by organizations such as the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the World Health Organization (WHO), the Transportation Security Administration (TSA), the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), and the expert industry association – National Business Aviation Association (NBAA).
Client Safeguards
Preflight Screening
Our charter and operations team regularly evaluate flight and passenger details and may request for additional information concerning past and future travel plans to provide customized travel advice for our clients.
Travel Restrictions
State and local government agencies vary in their travel restrictions and response to COVID-19 and we encourage clients to research their destinations ahead of time to properly prepare for travel. Our charter and operations team can provide guidance for certain requirements during the booking process, but we do not claim to be experts in all regulatory changes as they occur since developments rapidly change.
Aircraft Sanitation Procedures
Post Flight Disinfecting
Surfaces are thoroughly cleaned and disinfected after each flight with products that are EPA-approved and proven to be effective in eliminating the COVID-19 virus. In addition, even prior to the pandemic, Erin Air performs frequent interior cleaning to ensure that our aircraft are kept as clean and pristine as possible.
Cabin Air Filtration
Air filtration systems vary from aircraft to aircraft, but in general our aircraft cabins are different from those of commercial aircraft. Air is replaced in the cabin with fresh clean outside air ever two to four minutes depending on certain environmental factors such as outside temperature and aircraft altitude.

Crewmember & Employee Safeguards
COVID-19 Testing
We support and provide the means for crewmembers to obtain proper testing if they travel to high-risk locations, who may have been exposed to COVID-19, or who become symptomatic.
Personal Protective Equipment
Our crewmembers are provided with ample personal protective equipment such as face coverings, gloves, hand sanitizer, and cleaning supplies to prevent the spread of virus. Crewmembers abide by local, state, and individual business (airports or FBO’s) requirements for face coverings, and besides their time spent in the cockpit, crewmembers are required to wear face coverings when performing duties in the presence of clients and other employees.
Social Distancing
We are generally a fun-loving bunch, but considering the risks involved with COVID-19, our crewmembers avoid handshakes and hugs between other crew members, clients, and those that they may encounter while performing their flight duties. This feels foreign to us, as it might to you, know that we are smiling and beaming with joy on the inside at the opportunity to serve you!
Our administrative team has reduced daily in office attendance by 50% to mitigate contact risks, and we are fortunate that most of our employees are able to carry out their daily responsibilities remotely during stay-at-home orders so that we do not miss a beat with our clients. While in office, employees (both administrative and crewmembers) are required to adhere to state and city guidelines with regards to face coverings and social distancing.
Reduced Commercial Travel for Crew Members
In order to reduce the risk of exposure to our crews we have heighted our planning operations to reduce the need for crewmembers to travel commercially for crew swaps and repositioning flights.
For specific questions related to our safety precautions related to COVID-19, please email