EA Jet Key | Seattle Private Jet Charter | Erin Air

Own your time in the Sky – Become an EA Jet Keyholder

EA Jet Keyholders receive premium on-demand charter access at outstanding rates.  Unlike any other jet club or membership on the market, you can expect no monthly fees, no membership fees, no flight booking fees, no blackout dates, and no peak-day surcharges.  With a fully refundable minimum deposit of $150,000, keyholders receive a 4% of additional flight time credits added to their accounts.  We’ve designed this program to be easy and straightforward, so we can focus on providing you the most memorable service experience possible.

Erin Air - EA Jet Key Family

Keyholder Access & Benefits

Member Access & DetailsCost
Minimum Enrollment Deposit$150,000
No Membership Fees
Refundable Deposit¹
No Black Out Days
No Peak-Day Surcharges
Immediate, On-Demand Departure
No Account Expiration
Complimentary Beverages & Catering²
Complimentary Automobile Detailing²
Available Empty-Leg Discounts20% Off

¹Less any trip costs incurred.
²Available upon request at time of booking.

It’s the next best thing to owning your own private jet!
Fly Different with Erin Air.